ZTE nubia Z18 mini pictures, official photos

ZTE nubia Z18 mini pictures, official photos

Audio quality I’m always apprehensive approaching any budget pair of Sony headphones when it comes to audio quality after years of the company pushing the same muddy, bass-heavy sound through most of its mainstream products. Fortunately, that’s not the case with the CH700N. While far from neutral, the CH700N audio quality is one of the most balanced I’ve heard from a more mainstream pair of Sony headphones and doesn’t try too hard to mimic the old Beats sound, which itself has evolved over the years. The CH700N has a very fun sound that works with a lot of genres. The bass is tight and punchy, definitely elevated over reference values but not bloated and overbearing.

ZTE nubia Z18 mini pictures, official photos

It also doesn’t overwhelm the mid-range, which is free to do its thing. The mid-range is inherently a bit suppressed but not enough to make it harder to hear the vocals and instruments. The highlight of the sound is the high-end. The CH700N has a very lively high-end response, which makes the sound very bright and airy. It is a double-edged sword, however, as the bump in the upper-mid frequency range gives a sharp edge to some vocals and electronic sounds.

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It is a range our ears are most sensitive to and it makes some genres like dubstep fatiguing to listen to (more fatiguing than usual, that is). The soundstage is nothing special for a pair of closed-back headphones but there’s enough stereo separation and imaging to keep you involved. Almost all of my testing was done in wireless mode by connecting to a OnePlus 6T. The CH700N supports SBC, AAC, aptX, and aptX HD codecs. With the 6T, the CH700N can use the aptX HD codec, which is the best the headphones have to offer.

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Compared to aptX, aptX HD offers a lower noise floor. There is no LDAC support here but considering its finicky nature that’s probably not a huge loss. Most of the testing was done using the Tidal app that offers lossless 44.1kHz/16-bit audio on the OnePlus 6T, along with some locally stored 96kHz/24-bit lossless files.

Rudimentary Elements Of mobile phones - For Adults - ZTE nubia Z18 mini pictures, official photos

I also tested the wired mode with the provided cable. The CH700N lets you keep the headphones on when the cable is plugged in. This means you are using the internal audio processing of the headphones even when you use the cable, not to mention you can also keep using noise canceling. You can, of course, turn them off to save some power but the sound quality is significantly worse with the audio processing off and you also lose out on some of the noise canceling.

ZTE nubia Z18 mini pictures, official photos

This mode is great to use on airplanes with the in-plane entertainment system or with sources that don’t have Bluetooth output. Unfortunately, and somewhat ironically, plugging in the cable introduces background noise. There is consistent hissing as soon as you plug the cable in. It’s only audible when the cable is plugged in and the headphones are on and not present when you turn the headphones off. But as mentioned before, you are better off keeping the headphones on even when using with a cable so the presence of this background noise is rather annoying. It’s not very loud and only noticeable in quiet environments.

In terms of latency, there is some latency here that is typical for wireless headphones. When switching from wired headphones, you will notice a very minor delay when watching videos on the phone with these headphones but it’s very small and if you keep watching your brain adjusts itself after a few seconds to the point where you no longer notice it.

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